Just Kuringo It!

Send money instantly and securely with Kuringo. Trust us for easy, safe and fast international money transfers with low fees and competitive exchange rates. Join thousands who choose Kuringo for their payment needs today

Safe and Secure


Why choose Kuringo?

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Banking in your pocket

User Friendly, Fast and Secure mobile app to transfer money to your loved ones in Gambia, and the rest of Africa.

Send Money Now from your mobile 24/7

Explore the power of simpler and smarter way to send money.

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Easy Payments

Experience our user-friendly and highly secure money transfer app

With Kuringo, you can conveniently send money while on the move. Access our mobile app easily through a QR code. Explore rates, avail faster repeat transfers, and locate the nearest payout points across The Gambia.

How it Works

Sign-up for free

All you need is your mobile number and a few personal details. Sign up online or download our app for free to get started.

Add the receiver’s details

Tell us who you want to pay or send money to and how you want them to receive it. If you don’t know their details, we can request them for you.

Enter the amount to send

Tell us how much you want to send, or how much you want the receiver to get. We will tell you how much you’ll have to pay in total as well as when your money should arrive.

Verify your identity

To keep you and your money safe, we may ask you for a photo of you ID to verify your identity.

Pay for your transfer

Complete your transfer with payment from your bank account, or with a debit/credit card or any available local payment method.

That’s it

Sit back and relax, we will handle the rest! We will even keep both you and your receiver updated via text and/or emails.

Where you can send money

  • The Gambia
  • Senegal
  • Ghana
  • Guinea
  • UK
  • Sierra Leone